Sunday 24 April 2011

Lonely Hearts

Lonely Hearts is a short film produced by four A-Level Media Studies students as their final year project. A man is sitting at home alone with a candle lit dinner, reading the "lonely hearts" page in a newspaper. He finds an ad saying "single woman enjoys romatic walks and ballroom dancing". The man and woman go on a date where the have a picnic and start dancing. Suddenly the man pushes the woman off the edge of a cliff and she dies. The man then puts the woman in his van and takes her home. He places her at a chair in his candle lit dining room and poors her a drink. He then raises a glass and toasts the air. The audience then sees who the man is toasting with, and there are two other dead woman around the table and goes back to their lonely hearts ads that the man had found in the paper. Romantic, classical music is played throughout the film, lulling the audience into believe the film is purely about romance.However, as soon as the man kills the woman, it changes to more high pitched, thriller type music. I think the certification for this film could have been a 12A as there is no abusive language and only a small part is violent. The settings are very simple and believable as the main scenes are on a cliff top and a dining room.I think for an A-Level produced film, it is very clever, well edited and has a good storyline; without being too violent or too childish.

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