Monday 18 April 2011


The short film Lovefield is pact with suspense and drama. The film is filled with dramatic and eerie music to create a sense of vulnerability and panic to the audience. It begins in a field and with only a raven sitting on a creaky sign. The camera then slowly retracts across the field, to which there is a phone and bag sprawled across the floor. You then hear a woman screaming and a bloody cloth. The camera does not show the woman, only her foot. When she stops screaming there is complete silence. Suddenly a man stabs a bloody knife into the ground. Obviously at this point the audience is thinking a man has just killed a woman. The man then gets up and runs to the car boot. He grabs a blanket and a plastic bag, making the audience think he is going to wrap her body up. He then hurrys back to the woman and there you see him wrapping a new born baby up in it. All the dramatic music stops as you see the man and woman holding the baby he just delivered. It ends with a birds eye view of the scene and a police car pulling up to help the couple. I think the way Mathieu Ratthe directed and created this film was very clever as their was a constant build up to what was going on. The music, actors and editing also added to the suspense and drama in the film. The ending was very good as it was the complete opposite to any early predictions in the film.

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