Wednesday 4 May 2011


On the day of filming I did have a few problems. First off all I had to make sure everything was cleared away and tidy (which took quite a while), to give the feeling we really was in the house of someone with OCD. Chenice -who was playing the character- got lost on the way to my house where we was filming; which meant we lost about half an hour filming time. When Chenice finally got to mine, she had her little sister with her, as she has to babysit. This was not too bad, but we had to make sure that she stayed quiet when we was filming, and didn't get into any of the shots. Naturally, some lines got messed up, or we started laughing while filming. This was easily fixed by re-filming, but again took up unecessary time. The tripod did give me a few problems. One of the bolts kept losening, which made the camera tilt down and film the floor. I fixed this by holding onto the bolt while filming so that the camera stayed in place. Although there was quite a few problems, they were all minor and soon resolved. The majority of the filming went smoothly and quickly. At the end of filming, everything turned out how I wanted and I was happy with all the final shots. If I had extra time, I probably would of added some extra shots from different angles, so that I had a variety to chose from for the final film.

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