Wednesday 4 May 2011

Scratch Movie

Before starting our filming, we decided to make a scratch movie first. This is a roughly made film, so that we as a group could see how long our film would roughly be and what were the best angles to use. It also allowed us to see if certain ideas worked or not. We made the scratch film around different parts of our school that were available to us at the time. For example, when we first thought of the party scene, we decided that the character who had taken the drugs would end up getting knocked down by a car. When we tested this out on the scratch film it didn't look as good as we imagined, and so decided to get rid of that part of the film. The only problem we had when making our scratch film was that we only had enough time and camera battery to make a rough film of Lorna's party film. Me, Lauren and Jessica was unable to make scratch films for each of our sections, and therefore took up more time when actually shooting our films, deciding what worked best and what didn't. If we had more time, I think making scratch movies for all of our sections could of helped us when filming properly, which would of resulted in a better finished product.

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